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friendship | enrichment | scholarships

The Latest from UFC

Holiday Home Tour and Boutique - It's a wrap!

Our 2024 Holiday Home Tour and Boutique raised $21,830! 

Thank you to EVERYONE who helped make this event a huge success...

Homeowners, Committee Members, Board Members, Basket Makers, Docents, Patrons, Flower Arrangers, Musicians and Sponsors!

MEET OUR 2024 Scholarship Recipients!

This September we were able to award scholarships to eight outstanding undergraduates! Read more about our Scholarship Recipients HERE

UC Santa Cruz Community Connections Intercampus GatherinG - REGISTRATION EXTENDED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5

Date:  Wednesday, March 26, 2025  
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: UC Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden, Arboretum Rd, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
 Directions to the Arboretum
Please join us for the 2025 Intercampus Gathering at the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden in the Horticulture 2 Meeting Hall. Please register HERE by Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
Check-in and registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a continental breakfast followed by welcome remarks from UC Santa Cruz Community Connections President Linda Koval and UC Santa Cruz Chancellor Cynthia Larive.

Two speakers and opportunities for connection and networking will round out the morning. Our speakers will be:

  • Associate Campus Provost and Professor of Literature Jody Greene will talk with us about “The New Bold Experiment: Becoming a Student-Centered Minority-Serving Research University.”
  • Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics Brant Robertson will talk with us about “Exploring the Most Distant Reaches of the Universe with James Webb Space Telescope.”

After our morning of learning, we’ll enjoy lunch together, and then, in the afternoon, explore and tour various aspects of our amazing 2,000-acre campus.

  • March is Hummingbird Month at the UCSC Arboretum and Botanic Garden: a short, easy guided walk with frequent stops to watch the resident Anna’s and seasonal Allen’s hummingbirds interact in their overlapping territories.
  • Seymour Marine Discovery Center: 30-minute guided tour behind the scenes at Long Marine Lab to see marine mammals. Before the tour explore the aquarium tanks, touch pools, other exhibits and gift shop. 
  • UCSC Arboretum and Botanic Garden: Guided stroll through the plant collections including Australian, South African and succulents. Visit Norrie’s gift shop.
  • UCSC Center for Agroecology:  A longer walk to the experimental organic farm adjacent to the Arboretum to see examples of soil management, alternative pest control measures, water conservation, and biodiversity on both home garden and commercial scales.

The day promises to be both educational and entertaining for all involved.
Secure your spot by registering before Wednesday, March 5! The cost is $60 per person and includes breakfast, lunch, and tours.
If you are visiting our campus and need overnight accommodations please refer to this link.

For further information or questions:
CONTACT:  Clea Hermanson  OR Linda Koval

A message from ufc president jennifer grossfeld

Welcome to a new UFC year! We are excited to be offering something for everyone again this year. With over 80 active interest sections and many planned and interesting programs, we know that you will be able to discover something to entertain, interest, and engage you. You’ll find information here on this website about our innovative season of speakers, classes, tours, and tastings for both newcomers and general membership. (Continued)


THEN: University Farm Circle was founded in 1914 to bring together the women associated with the University Farm—especially the female staff and faculty wives—to help the young boys at the school.

NOW: You do not need to be associated with the University to be a member. All are welcome!

If you are new to the community or to UFC, we invite you to join any of our Newcomers activities to get acquainted with our area and to meet other women.

For more information, email

Join us!

Kathy Tyzzer, Kalli Louis, Mary Darlington at Great Bear Winery. Photo by Judy Howard.
Jeanie Istas, Mary McCafferty at Great Bear Winery. Photo by Judy Howard.
Terry Antonelli, Julie Schmidt at Great Bear Winery. Photo by Judy Howard.
Julie Schmidt, Sydney Moberg at Great Bear Winery. Photo by Judy Howard.
Susan Rodgers at Great Bear Winery. Photo by Judy Howard.
Marty Martinez, Beth Martinez at Great Bear Winery. Photo by Judy Howard.
Mary Ann Doerzbacher at Great Bear Winery. Photo by Judy Howard.
Julia Walker at Great Bear Winery. Photo by Judy Howard.
Members from Table 3: Penee Hughes, Holly Moen, Phyllis Baecker, Eileen Gueffroy, Sylvia Richman, Joann Beck at Great Bear Winery. Photo by Judy Howard.


UFC makes a special effort to welcome Newcomers. It also currently has over 80 active Interest Sections, from A (Antiquing and Art Galleries) to Y (Yoga).


Over 600 members participate in Programs like our Speaker Series, trips, workshops, and annual events like our Fall Reception and Spring Luncheon.


UFC began awarding Scholarships in 1937. Today, we continue to award to qualified undergraduate students at UC Davis.


Programs and Newcomers Events

Upcoming events

    • April 04, 2025
    • 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
    • 12300 County Road 92B, Zamora, CA
    • 1

    Spend an afternoon at the scenic Matchbook Winery in Zamora while enjoying good company, delicious wine and charcuterie treats.

    Matchbook Winery is a family owned winery and vineyard. John and Karl Giguiere are 5th generation farmers. In 1993, due to their efforts, the Dunnigan Hills became an official AVA (American Viticultural Area). The warm days and cool nights are perfect for preserving the grapes natural acidity.

    Carpools will leave at 1:30p.m. from the parking area by Big 5 in the Marketplace Shopping Center on West Covell.

    Cost: $10

    Registration Period: 2/15/25 - 3/38/25

    • April 05, 2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Unitarian Universalist Church, 27074 Patwin Road, Davis CA
    • 18

    Get ready for a fun and festive evening!  Start the evening mingling with your friends, and then enjoy a program of Beatles songs performed by 10 outstanding regional musical acts.  Beer and wine will be available for sale.  Friends and family are welcome.  We expect this event to sell out, so buy your tickets early!  All musicians are donating their time and talent, with the net proceeds benefitting the scholarship fund.

    Cost: $40.00

    Registration period 2/14/25 - 3/31/25

    • April 14, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
    • 1000 Broadway, Sacramento
    • 17

    Adorned with beautiful statues, dramatic markers, and lush gardens, the Sacramento Historic City Cemetery is an outdoor museum recording California history from the Gold Rush through today.  We will be led by a volunteer docent, as we walk through the cemetery to see and learn.  Please wear comfortable shoes to walk the paved paths.

    Following the tour, those who are interested can eat lunch on their own at Sellands Cafe or other nearby restaurants.

    Carpool meets at Mace Park and Ride located east of Ikedas.

    Cost: $12

    Registration period: 2/15/25 - 4/9/25

    • May 13, 2025
    • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
    • El Macero Country Club, 44571 Clubhouse Dr., El Macero, CA
    • 81

    You are invited to the Annual Spring Luncheon, a tradition celebrating the friendships cultivated through the University Farm Circle’s programs and interest sections. This event also serves as our annual business meeting where you will meet the incoming board of officers for next year.

    As part of the event, you will have an opportunity to learn more about your fellow members. Please come prepared to share one true statement and one false statement about yourself.

    We will be collecting donations of food and essential items for the UC Davis Pantry. Your contributions will help to ensure that UC Davis students maintain food security. Please drop off your donations at the entrance upon arrival.

    All members are welcome to join this special annual event.

    Cost: $45

    Registration Period 3/15/25 - 5/1/25

    • May 28, 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
    • 20470 County Road 79, Capay, CA
    • 10

    Please join us for a fun outing to “FarmHer Sherri’s” beautiful lavender farm. Your tour of Capay Valley Lavender will include a short walk through the lavender fields, learning about the different cultivars grown at the farm. There will be time to create a sachet and learn about the distillation process. Many of the products at the Farm Store are made using the lavender essential oil that is distilled in their copper stills. We will enjoy a catered lunch which includes a Caesar salad buffet, bread and butter, and a beverage. Our dessert will be Lavender ice cream, made by our friends at Davis Creamery. 

    Those who wish to carpool should refer to the list of event registrants that is listed on the UFC website and on the UFC app, to form their own carpool. 

    Cost: $37 which includes lunch

    Registration Period: 3/15/25 - 5/14/25

What Can a $4,000 Scholarship Do?

  • Help pay for tuition

  • Pay lab fees

  • Provide necessities such as rent and food

  • Purchase books and technology

  • Provide a huge boost in self-confidence, which helps the student persevere on their path of achievement

  • Most importantly, save the student hours of work. At $15.00 per hour, it would take approximately 267 hours to earn $4,000. That’s a lot of time that could be spent studying! 

Thanks to generous donations from members and others, UFC was able to give 8 talented UC Davis students scholarships totaling $38,500 in 2024. In addition, we will be awarding $2,000 scholarships to two Yolo County graduates entering UC Davis.

Mission Statement

UFC (University Farm Circle) connects campus and community through friendship, enrichment, and scholarships.

  • Friendship: Welcomes newcomers to the university campus and community.
  • Enrichment: Provides programs and activities to meet the needs and interests of its members.
  • Scholarships: Assists students through scholarships.

Become a member

You do not need to be associated with the University to be a member.

All are welcome!

Contact us

University Farm Circle
PO Box 858, Davis, CA 95617-0858

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