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University Farm Circle 

friendship | enrichment | scholarships

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Interest Sections

All members who have paid their annual dues are invited to join any open interest section. Sections signups will take place at the Fall Welcome Reception on September 25th at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 27074 Patwin Road in Davis. You may sign up for any section that interests you. If a group is full, sign up anyway, and we will try to form a new section. Following fall sign-ups, a list of groups with openings will be posted on the website. You are welcome to contact the leader of any open group to join at any time. If you would like to be removed from a group, please let the leader know so space can be opened up for another member. For general questions about section guidelines or to suggest a new type of group, contact Susan Rodgers ( or Pamela Thompson (

Interest Sections currently include the following:


Learn about antiques and collectibles; new topics each month, plus occasional field trips to antique stores nearby.

Beading 201

Knowledgeable beaders work on their own projects in an atmosphere of fellowship, while sharing new techniques.

Beer Groups

Meet at breweries or in members’ homes to sample and discuss various beers. Partners are welcome.

Bird Watching

Yolo County is a wonderful area for observing wildlife, especially birds. Meetings and times vary.

Book Clubs

Several groups meet during the day or evening to discuss characters, themes, and plots.

Coffee and Conversation

Several groups gather at local coffee shops to visit and enjoy each other’s company over coffee.

Dinner Groups

Groups meet in homes to share dinners prepared by members and enjoy one another’s company. Partners are welcome.

Foreign Language Conversation Groups
A mix of native and intermediate speakers meet and practice German or Spanish.

Games Groups include the following:

Bunco is fun and easy to learn.
Mah-jongg has several groups that meet weekly to play.
Bridge groups for intermediate players meet weekly. A group for beginners meets twice monthly.
Games Plus groups meet to play a variety of games.


Groups meet to learn about gardening in our area. There are occasional field trips and demonstration workshops.

Members organize day trips to hike in Davis and nearby.

Knitting & Crocheting Groups
Members meet to share techniques and material, chat, and knit/crochet.

Lunch Groups
Dining is experienced at a wide variety of restaurants, or in members’ homes.

Movie Groups

Groups go to local theaters to see movies, then discuss them afterwards at happy hour.

Pickleball players of all skill levels meet at courts around Davis for friendly, fun games.

All levels of quilters meet to work on their own projects.

Members share information on products, professional services, restaurants, etc., that may be useful to others.

Stitchery Groups
Beginners and skilled needle workers may join.

Taste for Travel 

Group meets for lunch at restaurants to discuss travel destinations and tips.

Several walking groups meet in Davis or in Woodland.

WASH—Women Aging With Spirit and Heart

Groups meet to discuss common issues that occur as we get older, in a supportive, informative, and nurturing environment.


This group meets monthly to work on paintings and to learn from each other.

Wine Tasting

Several lively wine groups meet in members’ homes to sample and discuss various wines. Partners are welcome.

Writers Groups
Members gather to write with a variety of styles and share original works.
Mrs. JJ Audubon and friend bird-watch.
Crafty Ladies Interest Section show the festive holiday cards they made. Photo by Deanna Lee.
Photography Interest Section field trip to Park Winters: (l to r) Alice Harvey, Janet Collins, Diane Vandepeute, Linda Ziskind. Photo by Deanna Lee.
Members of the Focused Ladies Interest Section explore the theme of “reflection.” Photo by Lin Lindert

University Farm Circle is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
PO Box 858, Davis, CA 95617-0858

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