You are invited to attend the UFC Newcomers' Group, First Friday Coffee, on January 3, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. This month the coffee will be in Davis at The Cannery clubhouse. Come get to know other Newcomers and hear from our UFC Interest Sections Co-Chairs, Susan Rodgers and Pamela Thompson . Please bring your favorite beverage - treats will be provided. From Covell Blvd. turn onto Cannery Ave. At the roundabout, the street name changes to Cannery Loop. Stay straight around the roundabout. Follow the road until it curves left and continue to 2000 Cannery Loop. We are meeting in the large, white ranch building by the pool. You will receive an invitation for this event by an email link to Sign Up Genius. Please contact one of our Newcomers’ Co-Chairs for further information:
Andrea Forrest,, 530-902-2552 Barb Weisbrod,, 925-200-9395 Tracy Moss,, 530-574-6677
University Farm Circle is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.PO Box 858, Davis, CA •